International Friendship with U.S.A.
Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
- Sister City established on January 16, 1991
Knoxville is the largest city in East Tennessee and the third largest in the state. The headquarters of the Tennessee Valley Authority and the University of Tennessee are located in the town. It lies in the great valley between the Cumberland Plateau and the Great Smoky Mountains. The headwater of the Tennessee River runs through the heart of Knoxville. For over 220 years, Knoxville has been a political, economical, historical, and cultural center in the Southern States.
In 1988, when the "American Train", a train to promote the U.S.A. throughout Japan, stopped at Muroran, a proxy for the Mayor and a representative of the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce visited Muroran and expressed their desire to be a Sister City of Muroran since both cities had similar goals. Due to the many friendships developed between both cities, the Sister City Affiliation was completed in Muroran in 1991.
- 190,740 (2020 Census) City of Knoxville
- 478,971 (2019 Census) Knox County
- 104.2 square miles (269.8 square kilometers) - City of Knoxville
- 526 square miles (1,362 square kilometers) - Knox County
- Latitude 35° 58' N., Longitude 83° 56' W.
- Chemicals, electronic machinery, textiles, wood products, etc
Sister City Organizations:
The Muroran Club of Knoxville is composed of behalf of over 200 Knoxville citizens who have traveled to Muroran or have hosted either adult or student delegates from Muroran during their visits to Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Over the 25 years of the sister-city relationship, many strong business and close personal friendships have developed between the two cities. Many lives have been enriched and permanently changed by the positive influences of the wonderful cultural exchanges between Knoxville and Muroran. This relationship has impacted business, education, language, artistic and personal aspects of the citizens of both cities.
For more information of the Muroran Club of Knoxville...
International Relations
General Affairs Section
General Affairs Department
Muroran City Office
1-2 Saiwai-cho
Muroran, Hokkaido 051-8511
PHONE: +81-143-25-2522 FAX: +81-143-24-7601